Intentional living: Is it possible to always smile in the morning?

Have you tried waking up in the middle of the night? Or did you even think about it?

Everyone must get up in the morning. Some people wake up at 8, some at 7, some at 6, and some even at 5. We add some time for breakfast and a few minutes for the trip to work, and we know exactly how much sleep we can enjoy at night.

Most of my time, I woke up at 7, then around 6, then 5:40, 7:15 to finally settle for 5:55. Depending on my daily schedule, physical activities, and emotional needs, I adapted and made some changes.

Yes, I spelled it correctly right above: depending on my emotional needs.

There are times when you feel unstoppable, able to move mountains. However, there are also times when the alarm goes off at 6:30, and you wake up but don’t want to leave the worm sheets until 7:30. Maybe you feel tired, scared, lonely, powerless, and don’t know which way to turn.

And that’s normal. Feeling uncomfortable emotions is a normal part of life. What’s not normal is constantly feeling those emotions.

I remember there was a time in my life when, no matter what I did, I couldn’t get out of bed before 7:30. I would set my alarm for 6:45 and stay in bed for another 45 minutes. I needed rest so severely that I would do anything for five more minutes of sleep.

Until one day when I learned something straightforward that changed my perspective: intentional living. I started making intentions for everything I wanted to have and do in my life.

The method described here, I also use it in the coaching sessions I do. Let me explain: I set an intention for myself and my client before each session. What I want to achieve from the session and what I want the client to have.

I then extended this method to the training sessions in my groups. After seeing that it worked, I asked myself: Why not extend it to my daily life?

And I started to set out to set my intention twice a day: once when I wake up and once at bedtime.

When I wake up, I sit in bed for a few minutes (5 minutes max) and think about how I want to feel and what I want to achieve that day.

Then, at bedtime, I again use this method of intentional living: after I turn the light off, I think about how I want to sleep and how I want to wake up. With this method, I am programming my habits by accessing the subconscious part of my mind.

At bedtime, I aim to relax, fall asleep quickly, and wake up refreshed and full of energy. When I wake up, for example, today, I set myself the goal of being as conscious as possible, creative, energetic, friendly to the people in my life, and relaxed to the situations I may encounter.

The advantage is that by using this NLP neuro-linguistic programming method, I am more in control of my life, increasing my energy and eliminating fatigue.

“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others' choices make us.”

Use this method to create a clear structure for your day. This will allow you to have more time for yourself and your projects, as well as time for family and friends.

Additionally, after these first steps in intentional living, you can go further and learn how to organize your life. Terms like clarity and discipline can do a huge amount if you implement them in your life.

If you plan, prepare, and organize, you can create more time, more calm, more flexibility, and less stress. Isn’t this everything that we all want?

Don’t take my word for it. Play with this intentional living NLP method for a week and see what you get. 

What do you say, are you in?

If you still want a specialist opinion to gain a new perspective using Coaching, please write to me privately. Additionally, if you want to know more about my other project, where you become one with nature, you can do it here!

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