Anchoring – The NLP Method that puts you in advantage.

What if you were in a state of curiosity, calm, and quiet before an important meeting or interview?

What if you found out that what happens outside is emotionally neutral and that you can decide at any time how you feel?

What if you had access to an NLP / neurolinguistic programming method that instantly brought you self-confidence, courage, and motivation?

Do you think it’s possible?

Whether you believe me or not, try to get comfortable for the next five minutes and read on.

Although I hadn’t seen snow in a long time and had almost forgotten the feeling, the encounter reminded me how beautiful nature could be in winter. But that’s not the important part. It’s how I felt when I saw the snowy mountain and stepped from black to white for the first time, like a chess piece.

As for the trail, anyone who hikes in winter knows well what such a hike entails. Up early, around 5 A.M., to catch as much light as possible. The rucksack is much more packed with food or equipment: thermos bottles, crampons, a couple of extra thermo-shirts, plus some extra food as the huts are closed.

About walking through the snow, I can only say that each step weighs 5 times more. Have you ever walked in a mountain river with knee-deep water? Just think that every step you take is exactly the same, except you have the added weight of boots.

Plus, there’s the wind, which is not noticeable in the pictures. As for the cold temperature, what can I say, except that sometimes even the snow suffers from it?

How can such an experience, which seems harsh at first sight, produce joy?

Let me tell you. When we experience something with a very intense emotional intensity, the brain saves along with the emotion everything it sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes at that moment. Basically, a link is created between external stimuli and emotions. This is anchoring.

That’s why you seek out the taste of a delicious childhood meal – to recapture those feelings of joy, acceptance, and connection.

That’s why you remember all the details of your first kiss, the whole scene, and the stories of that moment.

That’s why the joy of accomplishing an important project or winning a competition remains in your memory for years.

In NLP, this concept is called anchoringBasically, it is a connection between an external stimulus (or a mix of stimuli) and an event.

That’s why people take pictures. To get back into the same emotional state as when the photo was taken.

That’s why you get happy or sad when you listen to certain songs.

The advantage comes when you understand how anchoring works – when you know what happens when these connections trigger, and you can recreate that emotional state on command.

Imagine you have a high-stakes meeting, such as a job interview or an important talk. 

When will you have the most productive and beneficial results? When you enter with sadness, indifference, or fear, or when you start with curiosity, calm, and confidence?

You can have this confidence, this powerful emotional state, whenever you want by using the NLP anchoring method. Take two minutes and play this little game.

Close your eyes and remember an event when you felt courageous, calm, and confident. See everything you saw then, hear all the sounds, feel everything you felt, and even reproduce your body position. Pull your shoulders back, lift your chin, and breathe deeply.

And the moment you feel the emotion coming on full force, clench your right fist hard. And stay there.

Ten seconds.

Watch the excitement build.

20 seconds

and it grows more,

30 seconds.

And when it’s reached its maximum, stop clenching your fist and open your eyes.

Yes, you’re already feeling much better. And you’ve only been doing this for a few minutes. What would it be like if you did similar exercises more often? What would happen if you used anchoring much more often?

Let’s take it the other way. 

How do you feel when you think of an event that seems complicated and you perceive it as inaccessible?

Let me tell you how I use anchoring and what meaning has snow in my case.

This first winter hike brought me joy because snow is anchored with success: many of the feelings of relief and fulfillment I had while hiking in the mountains. On Mont Blanc, Zugspite, Großglockner, or Matterhorn.

Like you, whenever I got there, I clenched my right fist and built an anchor of strength, courage, calm, and self-confidence.

Why did I do that? Because every time I have a challenging situation, 5 minutes before, I clench my right fist.

Why not use anchoring and all available NLP methods to live a life full of confidence, courage, and fulfillment as long as possible?

Why not have joy in your life day in and day out when the method of getting it is so easy?

I congratulate you for taking the patience to read this far. I remind you that before a difficult situation, you need to think about anchoring and clench your right fist tightly. This will increase your chances of success, and you can enjoy the challenges you encounter.

Please don’t take my word for it. Just try it.

If you’re interested in how the mind works, NLP neuro-linguistic programming, Coaching or communicationdrop me a line, and I’ll tell you more. 

Additionally, I share with you that once per year, I start the NLP Practitioner course in English in Munich / München, where the participants learn, over 9 modules, how to increase their self-esteem and personal confidence, communicate to have great relationships and understand the connection between emotions and success. More about this course you can read here.

Furthermore, if you want to read about my other project, where I practice anchoring, you can do it here

See you soon.

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