TO DO LIST, or how a NOT TO DO list could improve your life!

A while ago, one of my children asked me, “Why do adults drink coffee?” It was an excellent question because I have long wondered the same thing as a child.

As a child or teenager, I wasn’t curious about drinking coffee, but it has become a habit since college. This habit lasted a long time until I encountered an interesting situation a few years ago when I learned a lot about addiction.

In my case, I didn’t consider coffee drinking an addiction. However, I was in a position where I drank coffee every day. The coffee was hot, black, strong, and without sugar or milk. I remember always drinking water before so the taste would linger as long as possible.

I was getting an energy boost in the short term and felt in turbo mode. The coffee magically pushed all the tiredness aside, and I could immediately get on with my tasks.

I wouldn’t say I liked that I rarely had that vitality without that it

What does the coffee have with a to do list or a not to do list? Wait a bit, and you will get it immediately.

Back then, I began to wonder: Would this be my life until the end? Why do I always need it? Would I always need coffee to “function”? But the actual question that intrigued me was if I could get the same sensation elsewhere.

I stayed that way and kept thinking about what I was missing, and then it occurred to me: Why don’t kids need coffee?

What do kids do when they’re tired?

First of all, they rest, relax or sleep.

What do adults do when they are tired?

They have their own to do list: they drink coffee, take supplements, energy drinks, or other substances. In other words, they do what they’re used to in a world of credit: take energy on debt.

As an NLP trainer and coach, I’ve had clients with this symptom of lack of energy, and many of them had constant prioritization issues. When speaking about a to do list, the answer was almost always: never use one. They were very competent but unfortunately were emotionally blocked, and didn’t know how to differentiate between the essential things in their lives.

After guiding them in identifying their actual needs, many things became clear. We pay for everything with our time and energy! Knowing that all the pressure disappeared and they all had more power at the end of the day.

Few know that fatigue can also come from the mind when there is no strategy. The good thing is that as a coach, I have offer many solutions, and I will share here with you two of them:

1. At the beginning of the day, list the things you intend to do during the day. And then start cutting! Yes, cut tasks! Actually, make a NOT TO DO list! Cut the activities that are not important! Cut the actions that can be put off and focus only on the essential things.

And now, one big point: to understand what is important or not in a to do list, just ask yourself these questions:

  • What happens if I resolve this situation?
  • Does this activity I’m doing now help me achieve a goal, or is it for relaxation?

2. The second option is different.

How often do you drink coffee? Could you give it up for a month? Would you consider resting and sleeping instead of drinking coffee?

Don’t believe me, try it!

I hope you find it helpful, and with these two simple methods, you will increase your energy!

Remember the two questions in a to do list:

1. What happens if I resolve this situation?

2. Does this activity I’m doing now help me achieve a goal, or is it for relaxation?

If you still want a specialist opinion to gain a new perspective using Coaching, please write to me privately. Additionally, if you want to know more about my other project, where you become one with nature, you can do it here!

I salute you,


Who once was also exhausted, running most of the time without a plan

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